It’s a wonderful thing when your child drags you down to see a show. I usually have a rule not to see bands I admire whose major player (players) have passed away ala Sublime. My son Joey had an extra ticket to see Alice In Chains at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City and stressed I had to come. He had seen them a few years back at Jones Beach and was totally blown away. The formula sounded great: one part hanging with son and a dose of a free ticket. Being a huge Alice In Chains fan I figured how could I lose. The last time Joey and I went to see a show together was either Slayer or the Cult some 20 years ago.
The day started early. I met Joey and a group of his friends at the rooftop bar at the Moxy Hotel. We drank, ate and talked bands for a good portion of the afternoon. The day was already a plus. After meeting up with my daughter in law Nora we went to the Hammerstein.
I’m sorry to say that we missed a good portion of the opener Walking Papers’ set. Walking Papers is a Seattle band out of the Black Crowes and Rival Sons mold. Bluesy and sensual always hits me the right way. Walking Papers is fronted by Jeff Angell and Benjamin Anderson of Missionary Position fame. The band formerly included Barrett Martin of the Screaming Trees and Duff McKagan of Guns and Roses. Walking Papers’ new album WP2 (Loud and Proud Records) is a must hear.
Just before Alice In Chains hit the stage Joey and crew got us right in front. Doesn’t hurt to have an almost 7 foot friend leading the way. From Jerry Cantrell’s first guitar lick the crowd was energized. Opening with “Love Hate Love” and then moving into “Check My Brain” everyone at the venue knew it was going to be an amazing night. William Duvall’s voice does remind one of Lane Staley but he has transformed this band into his own. He sang and played guitar reforming the whole character of the band.
With Mike Inez on bass and Sean Kinney on drums they launched into everything an Alice In Chains fan would want to hear. “Again” ran into “Them Bones” and then “Dam That River”. Jerry Cantrell and crew played impeccably. Their aura was intense. The music hit the rafters of the Hammerstein and returned to smack you in the face.
Alice In Chains treated us to hit after hit. The segue of “Down In A Hole”, “No Excuses”, “Stone” and “We Die Young” kicked ass. The ending volley of “Your Decision”, “Grind” and “Man In A Box” tore the house down. By the time they got to “Rooster”, the last song of the encore, our adrenalin was spent. We gave all. Alice In Chains gave harder.
On a whole it was a wonderful day hanging with the son and an extraordinary evening listening to a great band that brought back many amazing memories. And as to my opening rule, I may have to scrape it. Where is Sublime featuring Rome playing next? I may have to go.
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1 thought on “ALICE IN CHAINS”
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Bravo! Great review, great night, and a great show with family and friends. Let’s do it again soon!!!