Zero One Zero is a fierce hard rock group based in northern Ct that has created some ass kicking dynamic music The band is comprised of Rob “Boots” Zawisza (Vocals), James Ferrentino (Guitars), Mark Ahles (Drums) and Marc Russell (Bass). Zero One Zero bills itself as a “no nonsense American hard rock band”.
They released their debut album, Think Like Machine, in 2019. The record was a 13 song testament to aggressive and forceful rock. The band pulled no punches. They came out hitting with a musical vengeance. Think Like Machine set the mark for Zero One Zero.
Last month, Zero One Zero dropped their sophomore effort, Full On. The album was recorded at On Deck Sound Studio and was produced by the band with the assistance of Tracy Walton. Full On maintains the heavy and melodic rock of the first album with the added advantage of stronger songwriting. Throughout Full On, Zawiska’s vocals are top notch. His vocal stylings are impressive and compelling. He has a perfect rock voice that carries any song. Ferrentino’s guitar work is just as potent. He shreds with ease and his runs are immaculate. Ahles’ percussions are intense and every hit precise, Russel’s bass is creative and steady.
Every song on the new album is killer. Zero One Zero takes no prisoners. From the opening tune, “Every Time You Speak” till record closer “Dog Face Blues”, the music just cranks. My personal favorites include “Suicide Snakes’ and the Zeppelin infused ballad, “So That You Know”. The truth being, the whole album is full of favorites.
By all means Zero One Zero is a group who will make major waves in 2021. The music is just too sharp and tenacious.
The following is an interview Zero One Zero was kind enough to give AMP.
AMP: Can you give the AMP readers a brief history of the band.
010: We’ve all had some connections to each other throughout the years whether playing in bands together or knowing each other. In 2017, Rob (vocals) and James (guitars) got together in James’ studio and started writing songs. We ended up with roughly 19 songs fully recorded but with no band. After a couple of bass players and enlisting Mark Ahles (drums), we found bassist Marc Russell to round out the current lineup. It has been a perfect fit for all of us and we quickly gelled as a unit.
AMP: Your music hails back to when rock was king. Who are some of the band’s influences?
010: We all grew up with those powerhouse bands of the 70s like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. Sprinkle in some Rush, UFO, Scorpions, ACDC and the like. Too many to list but if it rocked, we liked it.
AMP: Let me first say that your new album, Full On, is great. Give us a glimpse of the songwriting process.
010: James would normally bring the musical ideas to the band and we would hammer through them together, arranging all the parts while Rob would be running through his IPad full of lyrics that he constantly writes until we have something we can work with. Eventually we have a finished song. The process is quite fun and seems to work well for us.
AMP: The album is in your face hard rock. Was that your musical goal?
010: Our goal is to be rich and famous, what else!! Just kidding! oh yeah, it is!! We enjoy creating music and playing live. We would love to catch on and support some larger acts. Hopefully, someone will like what we do and throw us a bone or two. We’ll just keep putting the hammer down and have fun!
AMP: Ct. seems to have a wealth of amazing rockers like King Kuel, Jimi Bell and yourselves. Where do you see the scene going?
010: Ct. has a lot of great bands and some really good original acts. There’s a comrade-re between bands and we all like to support each other. We enjoy doing shows together and giving people one hell of a show. I’m hoping Ct. and Western Mass. can break out nationally and enjoy some of the excitement Seattle had in the early 90s.
AMP: The band’s music is dynamic and raw. Does it translate well live?
010: Absolutely!! Maybe more. Playing live is what we thrive on. We are just a loud in your face guitar, drums and bass rock band with great vocals. Hence our slogan, “No Bull Just Rock”.
AMP: Where do you see Zero One Zero a year from now?
010: Well, we will definitely be into our 3rd album as we are well on our way to having all the songs written for it. We’re hoping things will get back to normal and the venues will be open and everyone will be enjoying good bands again. We just want to play for the people. That’s what we enjoy and hopefully we can get on a big stage near you! Thanks for helping us get the word out. Rock is Not Dead!
AMP would like to thank the members of Zero One Zero for their time and energy. Please purchase or stream their music. The band is enormously talented and if you like to rock, you’ll won’t be disappointed.
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Follow Zero One Zero: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
Stream their music: Spotify / Soundcloud / Bandcamp/ YouTube
Purchase: iTunes / Amazon / Apple Music
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