Monday night, December 6th I took the train into New York City to see Genesis at Madison Square Garden on their The Last Domino? Tour. This was a band that I listened to growing up but did not think I was going to ever see live. When this tour was announced I knew I was attending even if it was a work night. Genesis members Phil Collins, Tony Banks, and Mike Rutherford reunited on stage for this tour.
The concert kicked off with a trio of songs from 1980’s Duke — “Behind the Lines,” Duke’s End,” and “Turn It On Again,” followed by performances of two of their biggest hits, “Mama” and “Land of Confusion.” They then played “Home by the Sea”, “Second Home by the Sea”, “Fading Lights”, “The Cinema Show” and “Afterglow.”
Next came a second acoustic medley featuring “That’s All,” “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway,” and “Follow You Follow Me”, and “Duchess”. The band then closed the main portion of their set with songs including “No Son of Mine,” an instrumental of “Firth of Fifth”, the Peter Gabriel-era “I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)”,” Domino”, “Throwing It All Away” ,“Tonight, Tonight, Tonight”, and “Invisible Touch.”
For the encore, Genesis treated fans to a performance of “I Can’t Dance” and a medley of “Dancing With the Moonlit Knight” ending with “The Carpet Crawler.”
Joining the trio on stage were longtime touring guitarist/bassist Daryl Stuermer and Collins’ 20-year-old son Nic, who is filling in for his father behind the drum kit (Collins is no longer able to drum due to extensive nerve damage suffered during Genesis’ last reunion tour).
The band sounded tight all night long, Rutherford on lead guitar and Banks on keyboards showing off their lifetime of skill. Collins sat out front on a swivel chair belting out hit after hit and having playful banter with the crowd throughout the show. In this listeners’ opinion his voice was strong at times and at times seemed like back to back nights and father time was taking a bit of a toll on the vocals. Regardless the crowd, myself included, didn’t seem to mind. It was Genesis, reunited, and live. A fun night of good old Rock and Roll.
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