• ralph@myampmusic.co


By Ralph Beauchamp

Bryan Phillips is the audacious frontman of the hard hitting Fl. based Alive In Stone. AIS is no stranger to AMP. We last talked to Bryan in December of 2022. In addition, we have reviewed several of their recent singles. As the band is constantly maturing, their sound has evolved into a cauldron of dynamic genres. Alive In Stone just released a new single entitled “Skin” which exemplifies their new musical bearings. The track is a monster with palettes of rampaging textures and fiercely daring vocals. They don’t want to be pigeon-holed into any particular sound and each dramatic chapter surpasses the last.

Besides Phillips, Alive In Stone is comprised of Matt Willey (Guitar), Doug Kirschner (Bass) and Herman Ogletree (Drums). The band’s musicianship is outstanding. Willey’s guitars howl with an absolute frenzy. Kirschner’s bass booms with a bombastic pomp while Ogletree’s percussions crack with devouring intensity. Also, Phillips’ voice enthralls with a relentless captivation. Alive In Stone delivers an amalgamation of impassioned velocity.

AMP: The last time we spoke was in December of 2022. What’s new?

BRYAN: A lot has changed. We started working with a new producer, Dylan Herzog. We also solidified our lineup down to four members. I’ve experienced some vocal growth for the better. Plus, our creative juices have been flourishing. We are definitely honing down our sound. This is a monumental development for us. We have now recorded eight new songs. Three have already been released while two are still in production. In total, I believe we will have ten songs before this record cycle ends. We’ve opened for some fairly big bands including Smile Empty Soul, Texas Hippie Coalition and a few others. Another act we bonded with was The Lonely Ones.

AMP: We last featured the band when you released “Fatboy” and “Enough”. Since then you have dropped a series of aggressive tracks. How have the new songs been received?

BRYAN: From an audible perspective, I can sense that the audience can actually feel the difference. We are trying to create our own space by constantly experimenting. Some of our older material has that true-blue nineties feel but now we are adding in some industrial, nu-metal and goth elements in order to infuse a new direction. We are trying to dirty-up our sound while still keeping it fun.

AMP: Staying in the same lane, “Skin” plainly cranks. Can you give us a little insight into the song?

BRYAN: The track, like a lot of others, started out being one of ten demos we were sorting through. We felt that a little R&B flavor could be easily infused into a metal song. As I was writing the song, I got this kind of Michael Jackson vibe. This R&B melody kept popping in my head but I wanted the chorus to have this heavily distorted vocalization. Also, I wanted the bridge to have this Stabbing Westward kind of component. I feel this combination is just amazing.

The subject matter is about a committed relationship where the parties are still trying to figure out why they’re still together. Even though, one partner is attracted to other people, he/she explains to the other lover that those others are only “Skin”. There is this foregoing of outside sexual interactions because of the strength of their bond. It’s an age old love story.

AMP: Now that the band has been established for some time, what’s the band’s dynamic like?

BRYAN: The operation on how we do things is different. We understand our creative process way better. I usually come up with the vision or course of a song but it’s only 60-70% there. Then Herman, our drummer, controls the vibe for each section. He gives us the groove to build on. Then Matt and Doug throw in their ingredients. Matt Willey is our guitar player and he’s phenomenal. He adds these Zakk Wylde style riffs. All the while, Doug, our bass player, who is a huge Tool fan, spikes up these prodigious octave bass notes.

And our producer, Dylan, filters all that, sonically monitoring everything. Actually he was a huge component of “Skin”. I don’t think we could have achieved that song’s intensity without him. That’s how our dynamic works. We all understand our roles. We know what works best for us and our workflow has been consistent.

AMP: Your use of social media is impressive. Do you feel these platforms are attracting new fans?

BRYAN: Absolutely! I feel our social media has definitely attracted new fans. One of the things we found beneficial is the reaching out to other bands and interacting with them to form a community. We work hard on bringing new souls into the fold. Our social media outreach has been huge for us. Some of our biggest fans have come from there.

AMP: What are your expectations for and what do you wish to accomplish with Alive in Stone?

BRYAN: I want to be one of the biggest rocking acts in the world. That’s what we all want to do. We want to be the Godsmack, Three Days Grace and all those beautiful top-dog bands we love, of this generation. Our goal is to carry the baton forward and make these legendary bands proud. Life is too short to think small. You have to shoot for the moon. It will be a long tough road and a lot of work but that’s our objective.

AMP: If the band could collaborate with any one artist, past or present, who would it be and why?

BRYAN: It would be one of my inspirations. We kind of already have because he taught me some of the basics of songwriting. It would be Mike Protich from Red Sun Rising. Working with him or The Violent would be something. Another idol is Chester Bennington. It may be a cliche but that collab would be monumental.

AMP: What’s the best and worst thing about being a musician?

BRYAN: The hardest thing is dealing with the uncertainty. It takes a hell of a lot of strength to forge on. When you release a new song or get up on a stage, there is always this fear of rejection. No matter how confident you are, there is always this risk that the new song or live show doesn’t get well received. I know people say they don’t care but inside every artist there is this uncertain feeling of dismissal. For me, I constantly tell myself that we are putting out the most resolute art we can possibly create and we are putting in our all.

The best thing about it is the creation of something unique. It’s the process of creating a groove nobody has heard before. That’s the magic of music. Also, you can express yourself in whatever way you want. And with that, hopefully having somebody feel something from your art. That positive feedback is emotionally mind blowing.

AMP: What’s next for Alive In Stone?

BRYAN: We have “Skin” out now. Soon there will be another song released. Like I mentioned earlier, there’s a possibly of six or seven new tracks. Non stop promotion and non stop fun! Constantly throwing out new material. It’s going to be an exciting year.

AMP: Any last words of advice for your fans?

BRYAN: Just be you! Go chase after your dreams. Make time to do what you want to do. Don’t worry what other people think. Just follow your heart.

To learn more about Alive In Stone, check out their website

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