Alive In Stone is a hard rocking foursome based in Florida. The band just released two brazen singles entitled “Fatboy” and “Enough”. AMP featured the band on 12/1/2022 when we interviewed lead vocalist and guitarist Bryan Phillips (see related below). The group had just released their aggressive single, “Down & Out” to critical acclaim. Since his interview, Bryan has become one of AMP’s favorite sons and happens to be one of the nicest guys around. He also work tirelessly to make sure Alive In Stone is front and center in today’s dynamic music scene.
In addition to Phillips, Alive In Stone is comprised of Matt Willey (Guitar), Doug Kirshner (Bass) and Herman Ogletree III (Drums). Their sound is menacing and full of monstrous riffs. Every note carries a ferocious deluge of edgy forcefulness. These boys don’t play. Their music is intense and aims right for the gut. Just check out some of their older material. “Blood Moon Rising” is incendiary. “Rebecca” delivers a brazen punch of aural dynamite.
“Fatboy” continues the sonic assault. It’s a groove laden piece of grunge heaven. Phillips vocals are blazing with ravenous angst. The guitars lay down captivating fills while the backbeat is plainly intoxicating. The song is clearly massive in character and feel. Concerning “Fatboy”, Phillips espouses:
“Fatboy” is a shock to the innards. It’s an anthem to my vulnerability and a soundtrack to my struggles with body distortion and overcoming obstacles.”
You can sense Phillips’ every ounce of despair and pain. “Fatboy” is riveting and full of unsurpassed anger. It’s a killer track.
“Enough” is their newest release. It’s contains bold vocals and skyscraper riffs. The tempo is meteoric with barreling percussions and a destructive bassline. Bryan’s voice is sharp and emotive. The anthemic arrangement is spellbinding with periods of metallic lushness. Alive In Stone definitely know how to express heavy rage while still disbursing passionate harmonies. Speaking about the track, Phillips says:
“I had a dream that Nickelback was singing the chorus. I then woke up and wrote it down. You never know where inspiration comes from. Originally the chorus didn’t sound this way. This was the first song Mike Protich of Red Sun Rising helped me write. It’s just your typical hate my significant other type song.”
All these releases display the the vibrant songwriting and ruthless musicianship of Alive In Stone. This is a band to surely watch. Alive In Stone will be a major force in the very near future. I can’t wait to catch Phillips and crew live sometime soon.
To learn more about Alive In Stone, check out their website
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