• ralph@myampmusic.co


Only 7 years young yet Providence Rhode Island band Another One Down has released an impressive debut record, A Bitter Descent. This youthful five member pop-punk-rock hybrid delivers catchy tunes that beg to be sung along to while also offering some punchy guitar riffs, interesting lyrics and an all-over sound that speaks of experience, maturity and talent.

I recently spoke with vocalist Marcus Simonini, who was gracious enough to answer on behalf of the band.


KATE of AMP: How did you first get into playing/singing?

MARCUS: I started playing guitar when I was 10 and I was inspired pretty heavily by Green Day, Nirvana, and the game Guitar Hero 3. I started getting into pop-punk in middle school and by high school I was writing my own songs. I knew I didn’t want anyone else to sing my lyrics so I just decided to be the frontman.

K: Which 3 bands are your greatest influences?

M: I would say originally my biggest influence was A Day To Remember. I loved how they seamlessly blended genres and did whatever they wanted musically. All Time Low is also a huge inspiration to me. They were one of the first pop-punk bands I really got into and from a songwriting perspective. I think I subconsciously strive to capture the catchiness they have in all their songs. Lastly a huge influence for our whole band is Four Year Strong. Their ability to blend insane riffs with catchy melodies is unmatched and as a live band they’re incredible.

K: If AOD had a mascot, what would it be?

M: For this album cycle our mascot has been a little skeleton guy we named Trevor. Our album artist Hope drew him as part of the artwork for one of our singles and we loved him so much we kept using him.

K: If your house were on fire, which 5 albums would you rescue?

M: Oof that’s a tough question. I think my number one would be Peripheral Vision by Turnover, mostly because it’s my go to album when I’m in my feels. Next would probably be Four Year Strong’s self titled album. 7 years later and it’s still constantly in my rotation. Fail You Again by Can’t Swim for the same reason and because the musical diversity on that album is so pleasing but works so well together . All Time Low’s So Wrong, It’s Right because it’s still my favorite nostalgia album to this day. Then probably Nevermind by Nirvana last because it’s really just a flawless album and what got me into rock in the first place.
K: How has being performer changed your lives?

M: Being a performer has made me feel emotions that I can’t quite get from anything else, which sounds very odd but it’s true. There is nothing like performing for an audience or having your own lyrics sung back to you. It becomes a high you continually chase after once you start.
K: If you weren’t performers, what job would you probably be doing?

M: I would still be working in music at some capacity. I went to school for Music Production so I’d probably just be making records full time. Ryan would probably be doing full time graphic design. Alex would probably be a luthier because he loves guitars. Brandon would probably be doing something with computers like his dad. Dylan would probably be doing songwriting because that’s what he went to school for or videography of some kind.

K: How can your fans get their hands on your music?

M: We’re on all of the major streaming services and you can even buy our music on iTunes on Bandcamp if anyone still does that anymore.

K: What’s next for AOD?

M: We’re hoping to tour next year if things are safe. Get to some new cities we haven’t been to before.

Vox – Marcus Simonini
Guitar – Brandon Teh
Guitar – Alex Thetonia
Bass – Dylan Walsh
Drums – Ryan Beck

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To learn more about Another One Down

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Purchase:  Bandcamp / Shop

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