• ralph@myampmusic.co


Austin Stirling is an artist that’s hard to define. His music is wonderfully eclectic and full of diverse subtleties. Even though he may be categorized as a folk singer/songwriter, he breaks away from the genre’s traditional roots in order to create something passionately unconventional. His songs can run the gamut from New Age soundscapes to blues and Americana. Austin Stirling is truly a renaissance man.

Just check out his new single, “Home” and recent album, With the Wolves. The full title of the single is “Home: Love, Death and Wondering”. On “Home” Stirling employs ominous guitar riffs and sorrowful vocals to fashion a song of lament and dread. Every note perfectly captures the sublimely haunted aura Stirling is trying to channel. The tune is mesmerizing and reminds me a lot of Amigo The Devil.

With the Wolves is an incredible release that showcases Stirling‘s distinct ability to combine multiple genres to manufacture a truly cohesive record. He disperses New Age tracks like “Chimes” between dark and mysterious songs like “Behind The Veil”. The album confirms Stirling‘s masterful capacity to exhibit the numerous layers of his inventive songwriting. “War Drums” and “With the Wolves” are also amazing songs. His fusing of divergent musical styles to forge a new being is astounding. In With the Wolves, Stirling has transformed folk music into something both novel and cutting edge.

Austin Stirling has graciously agreed to answer a few questions for AMP.

AMP: Your new album, With the Wolves, blends a lot of artistic genres. Where did your inspiration come from?

STIRLING: It’s always hard for me to put a finger on it. I listen to so many different types of music, and I am sure they influence me on some level. But when I write or record I try not to let things influence me too much. I try to just give the song what it needs at that time and I try to do that very honestly without being swayed by other things I’ve heard.

AMP: Do you feel that With the Wolves is an evolution of your musical style?

STIRLING: Each album seems to be different from the last. My upcoming album for 2021 is a singer/songwriter album thru and thru. Then this winter I will be releasing some heavy, more metal style songs. With each new release, it’s like the people are getting to see a different side of me. With the Wolves isn’t anything new for me. Just for everyone else because its just a piece of me no one had seen yet.

AMP: Your music has somewhat of a mystical quality. Is that one of your goals?

STIRLING: I like that thought. Honestly, my only goal for the album was for people to feel like they are being taken on a journey while they listen to it. Anything beyond that is a bonus. Mystical though, I like it.

AMP: You were an integral member of the Hangdog Hearts. Why did you go solo?

STIRLING: Well, when HDH started there were 7 members. We didn’t really gig much. They all fell off for one reason or another and it came down to me. I was always the main one keeping it going. I played solo as HDH for a while and started bringing in some players later. But they weren’t consistent. So people would expect a band and ask “hey where’s that drummer I saw” or “where’s that other bass player”. I got tired explaining to people I was actually a solo musician just going as the Hangdog Hearts. So I said screw it, I’ll just go by my name! Haha.

AMP: One of your fortes is playing live. What makes it so special and how has the pandemic affected you?

STIRLING: Everyone is blessed in areas. That just happens to be an area I feel I am blessed to excel. I don’t say that arrogantly. I say it with humility. A huge aspect to humility is accepting where you are in fact skilled, and where you are not. Music theory is not an area I am skilled. But I do feel I am gifted for live performances when I am getting to actually play my music. When people are there that makes it so much more special because there is so much emotion in what I do. It’s awesome to share that with whoever is there.

The pandemic has taught me many lessons. Many of which I am still processing and unpacking. It has also been challenging to not be touring. Which I love. I definitely very much so miss the road. But ultimately two realizations always tend to jump out of me in any hard struggle. More like confirmations of what I’ve already known, opposed to new lessons. Those are: that “I do not know near as much as I think I do” and “gratitude for this life experience”! Which I guess we could argue are new lessons in and of themselves each time. Haha.

AMP: Best live gig?

STIRLING: To many to count. I’ve played so many places it’s hard to find one that stands out. I’ve played in the bottom of a barge in Spain, a bomb shelter in Finland, 14 stories up on a roof of a building, behind the counter at a greasy crowded old diner in “no where” Montana, a floating dock in the middle of a lake in Nebraska, on a beach next to the ocean, on a river boat, in people’s home, in hospitals…..I could go on and on. Basically, I am very thankful for all those experiences. And they all kind of stand out for me.

AMP would like to thank Stirling for his time and great answers. Buy or stream his music. He is a man for all seasons.
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To learn more about Austin Stirling, check out his website

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