• ralph@myampmusic.co



Cardboard Dream House is a four piece indie/alternative/punk band based out of Southern Ct. The band consists of Bobby Roberts (Guitar/Vocals), Eli Farland (Drums/Backing Vocals), Haneef Harris (Bass) and Lydia Arachne (Keyboards/Backing Vocals). CDH recently released their new album entitled Perspective via NeuroTronix Records. The record was cleverly produced and engineered by Richard Demko at Greenwood Studios in Seymour and Horizon Music Group in West Haven. The band describes their sound as an “obscene and gritty blend of classic Alice Cooper and Kiss meets Alan Parsons and Green Day“.

CDH lives up to their reputation. Their music covers a wide spectrum of genres and musical styles. And they handle the contrast well. They seem as comfortable punking it out as they do being progressive and melodic. The songs are well written and reverberate with high energy. The musicianship throughout Perspective is first rate and the vocal harmonies are outstanding. I’m going to concentrate on the first three released singles as they exemplify the rich content of the entire album.

“Killing Me Inside” is a solid rocker with a cool punk chorus. Roberts’ forceful vocals and fiery guitar perfectly fits the whole timbre of the song. Farland’s drums and Harris’ bass combine for a tight backbeat, Also, Arachne’s keys are a nice touch. The crescendo finish is a superb ending to a driving composition. In addition, the song has garnished over 32,000 streams on Spotify and has been added to countless radio playlists.

“Belong” begins with a nasty grunge guitar and impressive drumming. The song has a galvanic beat with an interesting synth underbelly. Again Roberts’ strong crunching vocals pushes the tune in a compelling direction. In addition. Harris’ bass lays down a potent throbbing rhythm.  On “Belong” CDH throws punch after punch of sonic slaughter.

“Until The Next Time” is another energetic rocker that contains sharp beats and an enterprising guitar solo. The song’s vigorous pulse has the listener bopping and stomping. The song’s theme is the age old tale of lost love. One can feel the yearning and distress in Roberts’ vocals and his voice fits ideally with guest vocalist Suzanne Vick’s harmonization.

There are other gems throughout the album including the fierce “Hollow” and the anthemic “Black Light Flurry”. With Perspective, Cardboard Dream House have built a solid framework for the future. The assailing tempos and inventive bounce of Perspective are inspiring. The talent and musicianship is already there. One can only imagine what Roberts and company can come up with next.


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