• ralph@myampmusic.co


This section of the website will be used to spotlight the many venues, clubs, bars, promoters and associated businesses that dot Ct. and the tri -state area. Each post will showcase a particular entertainment establishment or business. I know the research will be quite enjoyable.

People arrive to hear from veteran journalist Bob Woodward at College Street Music Hall in downtown New Haven Conn on Tuesday Jan 22 2019


College Street Music Hall rose from the ashes of the Palace theater in New Haven. The venue capacity is 2000 patrons with multi-capacity configurations. It has both a standing room floor and reserved balcony seating. The theater boasts state-of-the-art audio and lighting systems. It was originally built as the Roger Sherman movie theatre. From 1984 till 2002 it transformed into the Palace theater hosting such acts as the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bob Dylan, Dave Matthews and countless others. In 2015, the New Haven Center for the Performing  Arts,Inc. restored the Palace into the College Street Music Hall, establishing one of Ct.’s premier live music and arts centers.

Now that’s the info I pilfered from their website. That just gives you dates and stats. But, after seeing multiple shows at College Street I can attest it is one of the best live music venues in the state. Everything was updated to create the ultimate audience experience. Sound and acoustics are first rate. Lighting is superb. Most of all the entire ambiance of College Street is perfect. The venue is small enough to feel intimate with the artists yet large enough to attract an electric line up of incredible mid sized talent. Bands that would normally skip Ct, hopping from New York City to Boston, find College Street a rewarding stop. Just the shows i’ve attended exemplifies the diversity of talent. Young the Giant (pictured), Franz Ferdinand, Jason Isbell (twice) and The Cult are just a few. College Street Music Hall is a New Haven gem. For every music lover College Street is a must.

The following is a recent conversation with Keith Mahler of Premier Concerts/Manic Presents, promoters at College Street.

AMP: The variety of artists at College Street is amazing. Who is responsible for the acquisition of talent.

KEITH: Mark Nussbaum and Anthony Rhodes at Premier/Manic do a great job of acquiring the best talent  for College Street.

AMP: I go to downtown New Haven frequently. What effect do you feel College Street has had on the area.

KEITH: By all estimates College Street has improved the whole downtown New Haven scene. All the restaurants and retail shops have had a major resurgence in numbers. Just look at last night’s concert with Jason Isbell and the Mountain Goats. You had 1650 patrons on a Monday night in New Haven. That’s a win for everyone.

AMP: I’m glad you mentioned Jason Isbell. I saw him the first time he played College Street and I saw him last night. What kind of feedback are the artists giving the venue.

KEITH: We are getting the same feedback from the artists as we get from the patrons. They enjoy playing the house. We treat the talent with the same respect as we do our audiences. Since you were there last night you heard Isbell. “I love playing this room”. We are getting that exact reaction from all the artists.

AMP: My wife and I find the staff at College Street quite accommodating especially Diane the bartender. Do You hire from Yale or the outside. Also in light of recent events, how do you handle security.

KEITH: We hire from the general public and our security is handled by a third party vendor. We hired a very capable vendor out of New York who has had a ton of experience.

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