• ralph@myampmusic.co


People are constantly saying “rock is dead”. Don’t tell that to the Florida based quartet, Fortune Child. This band does nothing but pound you with powerfully dynamic and ferocious rock & roll. The group is comprised of four outstanding musicians who write devastating fiery music. Lead singer Christian Powers is electric. Buddy Crump on lead guitar is full of explosive energy. Melanie Jo on drums is utterly stupendous and Jon Ward’s bass carries an avalanche of intensity. These four destroy on their debut album, Close to the Sun

Fortune Child may just be in their infancy since they only formed in 2019 but they play like they’ve been together for decades. Their musical interplay is plainly marvelous. Every note on the album seems to fit perfectly. In addition,their songwriting is superb. Fortune Child takes the best from their timeless influences and then spices the sauce with their singular seasoning. Their music is fresh and raw yet somewhat comforting. It’s fucking rock & roll at its best.

Speaking about the record, the band expounds:

“This album is everything we believe in: no fluff, no extras, just the music. We tracked the whole record live because that’s how we feel our music is best received. There’s something undeniable about a live performance and we wanted to capture that to our best ability”.

Recorded in 2022, Fortune Child partnered with legendary rock producer Kevin Elson (Journey/ Mr. Big/ Europe) to produce their album. Close to the Sun is already making waves. The band has already received tons of positive press and radio airplay. It even got a good old fashioned thumbs up from Billy Gibbons and is turning the heads of some of the industry’s heaviest hitters.

Close to the Sun opens with “The Way”. The track sets the tone right away. The song is a killer with its hard hitting and propulsive groove. Powers’ vocals are sharp, crisp and full of fervor. Crump’s guitar wails like a banshee. His licks are tenacious. Jo’s drums are fearless and Ward’s bass is solidly concrete. “The Way” is a blazing monster. “Don’t Shoot Me Down” continues the onslaught. The brazen composition flows with an addictive tempo. Everything works. Crump’s solo is an intrepid jewel. Jo’s drums are slamming. Ward’s bassline is impetuous. “Don’t Shoot Me Down” hits like a supersized uppercut.

“Far” is a riff driven track with an infectious accent. The ethereal solo is devouring. Powers’ voice carries a smooth and silky lilt. Ward’s bass cracks with emotional depth. “Slow” distributes a funky swamp vibe. The mid-rocker drops an audacious cadence full of groovy textures. It definitely focuses on another aspect of Fortune Child.  “Tie The Line” opens with a Zeppelin-like guitar and drum intro before it widens into a lush ballad with bluesy overtones. Powers’ voice is strong and full of emotive stamina. “Tie The Line” is a sonic wonderwall.

With “Feet Down Low”, Fortune Child  yields an invincible tempo. The beat is pulverizing and the band’s psychedelic edge is awe-inspiring. The song has a flaming momentum that’s utterly magnificent. “Close to the Sun” follows with its cool vibe. Fortune Child lays down a captivating pulse full of vibrant ferocity. Jo’s drumming and Ward’s bass steal the day with a tension filled backbeat. “Conscious” closes out Close to the Sun. It’s a beautiful ballad that showcases Fortune Child‘s softer and melodic side. Powers’ vocals are transcendent and the soft strumming guitar is exquisite. “Conscious” is a fitting end to an amazing album.

Fortune Child are a breath of fresh air. Their music speaks with true passion and exalted zeal. Close to the Sun is an aural gem. Every song slays and the band’s musicianship is forminable. Like Fortune Child stated: no fluff, no extras, just the music. And the music is extraordinarily massive. And just think, they’re just getting started. The future looks bright for Fortune Child.

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To learn more about Fortune ChildCheck out his Website!

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    • Author gravatar

      They’re terrific, and I always love a rock band with female drummers. I also love the video for “Don’t Shoot Me Down” and how the camera continues circling around the room, nicely capturing their dynamic energy.

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