Fran Mynahan is an excellent drummer. His thunderous percussion is the backbone of the audacious hard rocking King Kuel. Like his bandmates Ray Wheaton, William Yager and CJ Kennedy he lives for his music Yet he’s more than that. Not only is he a musical powerhouse but also a relentless supporter of the local music world here in Connecticut. That’s why he is so well loved and respected by everyone in the scene.
As a drummer, the man is singular. Fran‘s hammering back beat solidifies the voracious King Kuel sound. His playing can be atomic but he can also fill his kit with lush elements and palettes of textures. I have found that as a person, he is amicable and a general all around great guy. But I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side. The dude is built like a brickhouse. Fran was gracious enough to give AMP an intimate interview. Hope you enjoy.
AMP: Let’s start with the basics. When did you realize you wanted to be a drummer?
FRAN: At the age of 8, I saw Animal from the Muppets battle it out with Buddy Rich.
And like any 8yr old…I wanted to be just like that guy!! (Of course, I was
referring to Animal). I remember laying out pillows on the couch and getting
two wooden spoons from my grandmother’s kitchen. I would beat on those
pillows so much that eventually she had to throw them away. After a few years
of banging on just about everything in the house, I got my first real drum set at
the age of ten. From there I was hooked.
AMP: What’s your band history and how did you become a member of King Kuel?
FRAN: I was 16 when I joined my first three-piece band with (my still to this day best
friends) Steve and Curt Strong. We were a young, wild, and over the top crazy
cover band. After that I played in several different projects that never really
took off. I eventually made my way up the Rock and Roll ladder and landed my
first big audition with a local original band, Society’s Children. This is where I
settled for over a decade. Ultimately writing new music divided the band and
that’s when William Yager came in to fill a position. It did not take long to
realize what we were writing could not continue as Society’s Children.
Raymond Wheaton, bass player Marc Deschaine and guitarist William Yager,
and I decided to continue on together as a 4-piece band. Soon thereafter,
Marc’s conflicting work schedule forced a difficult decision, and we began
auditions for a bass player. After several unsuccessful auditions, I put in a call
to CJ Kennedy who I knew from years ago when he played in the local band
Rizzo. I simply asked, “Do you still have a bass rig?”. He replied “no”. I then
told him, “Well go get one because I’m dropping off a demo of 5 tunes in your
mailbox. You have 2 weeks”. LoL. And that is how King Kuel was born.
AMP: What drummer(s), past or present, molded your particular style?
FRAN: Wow!! When I first started playing, I played to the radio and records. I loved to
play to live albums and learn entire concerts. I would imagine myself in the
band playing to thousands of people. It gave me a sense of adrenaline, timing,
and feel. Bob Seger’s Live Bullet album with Charlie Martin on drums was a
huge favorite. That album definitely molded my timing and feel as a younger
player for sure. Later Randy Castillo with Ozzy inspired my performance and
showmanship. Bonham, Peart, Aldridge, and so many more certainly played a
big part in my development as a drummer. Another big influence early on was
Rob Gottfried, aka Rob the Drummer. Rob is a motivational speaker who uses
real life experiences and drums to motivate and help kids. He came to my high
school in the early 80’s. He invited me and other students to join him on stage.
He gave us each a stick and a pattern to play on his drum set. In minutes he
had us all playing together. When it was over, he turned to me and said, “You
have something special kid”. Years later I met up with him through a mutual
friend, the late Art Benson owner of Dynamic Percussion. There I was able to
tell Rob how he inspired me to continue to pursue drums. More recently, I’ve
had the privilege of watching up close, the amazing BJ Zampa, of House of
Lords, Dokken, Beyond Purple, and Maxx Explosion. I am totally inspired by
his machine-like timing. The guy just blows me away every time I see him or
share a stage.
AMP: We are constantly losing our musical heroes. What are your feelings about Charlie Watts?
FRAN: Absolutely an innovator in changing how drummers approached and played
rock music. I remember trying to learn a Stones tune and then seeing the kit he
played and couldn’t believe it was so small. I don’t consider myself a big Stones fan but I do respect their huge career and the music they made. Sadly, his
passing has led me to visit his large body of work and it is very impressive to
say the least. RIP Charlie Watts!
AMP: What is your philosophy with working with the bass player and how do you manage the chemistry between CJ and yourself?
FRAN: Drums and bass are the backbone in music. I’ve always loved how the two
complement each other in a song like two people who dance and glide across
a dance floor in perfect synchronized motion. As far as managing the
chemistry…CJ makes it so easy for me to just do what I do and I know he is
always there. His ability to lock with me is why he was the perfect fit for KK.
AMP: How do the drum parts unfold in the King Kuel songwriting process?
FRAN: Hands down!! My favorite thing has always been to collaborate and write
music with other musicians. I am very fortunate to play drums in a band like KK
where I have total freedom to be the best I can be. I approach each song in a
way I hope would lend to a melody or guitar part, focusing on not overplaying.
There are times when suggestions and ideas are made in the writing process
where someone is looking for a certain fill or groove. It’s our job as drummers
to listen and interpret what they are looking for and make it happen.
AMP: What is or was your favorite kit?
FRAN: Ha! That’s easy!! BJ Zampa’s red drum kit! Lol! Love ya Brother!! All
kidding aside, I currently have 4 drum kits. Without a doubt my Pearl BLX birch
kit is my favorite!! It is so much so that I later bought a second one. I played
that kit from 89’ right up to just a few months ago. I have recently purchased
my bucket list 4-piece, Ludwig Centennial maple kit in silver sparkle. It is the
Anniversary kit with Bonham’s signature size shells. It is absolutely gorgeous
and so inspiring to play. I also have several snare drums in my collection. For
the past few years, I have been using a snare drum custom-made for me by
drum builder Rich Bloom of RB Drum Co. This is by far the best sounding
snare in my collection and has become a permanent fixture in all my
AMP: What advice do you have for aspiring drummers?.
FRAN: Watch, listen, and learn. Practice as often as you can. It doesn’t matter if you
are playing for 10 or 100 people, play as if there are 10,000! Remember to
always engage your fans to let them know that they are appreciated. I have
dedicated followers from day one. Most have become very good friends and
know that I love them dearly for their support. I very much look forward to
meeting new fans with every gig we play
AMP: Best board game to play in the green room?.
FRAN: Well, I certainly have never played a board game backstage, Lol…but if I
did…Battleship and SIMON classic. My younger unmarried self would have
definitely said Spin the Bottle or Twister.
FRAN:I would like to thank my wife and daughter, Cathy and Taylor. Big Daddy O loves you both!! This year I lost two people who were dear to me .. my mom, Diane, forever my biggest fan and my friend/brother from another mother, Ed “Buddy” Tighe. RIP mom and Buddy!!! I also want to thank Lea Caffrey and David Zulch and everyone who has continued to support me all these years (family, friends and neighbors)..I love and appreciate you!! Stay safe, healthy and happy. Stay beautiful. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you!!
I’d like to add a big thank you to AMP for allowing me to take up some space in
your incredible interviews. I am very humbled to be amongst the amazing list of
talented musicians.
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