Greg Hazleton wears many hats.
After attending Green Mountain College, Greg became the owner of Copper Hill Farm. It’s a small pasture based organic family farm in Somers, Ct.. Greg, his wife Heather and their children grow heirloom vegetables. They also raise Mangalitsa Heritage pigs, turkeys and pasture raised chickens. The family provides healthy, humanely treated and chemical free food to the community via their farm store and The Ellington Farmers Market. They also provide local wellness services by organizing such functions as Yoga Jams. Another positive attribute of the Hazletons is their strong focus on community as opposed to profitability.
Greg also lives on the dark side. He runs Copper Hill Production which manages and promotes jam bands. Additionally, he is the architect behind the Copper Hill Music and Culture Festival which is in its second year.
Copper Hill Productions works with bands like Shakedown (New England’s premier Grateful Dead tribute ensemble) and handles the promotion and bookings for HippoCampus and Stealhead. His primary mission is to build up the music scene in the Hartford vicinity and beyond.
The Copper Hill Farm Music and Cultural Festival is Greg‘s brainchild. With his sense of community and his love of farming and music the festival has been a labor of love. He wanted to hold the inaugural fete at his farm but couldn’t get the proper ordinances. So he rented the Four Town Fairgrounds in Somers. The festival starred an amazing array of talent including HippoCampus but due the November date and the cold weather the turnout could have been better.
This year Greg is determined to make the festival a success. The Copper Hill Farm Musical and Culture Festival is returning to the Four Town Fairgrounds on June 27th-28th. The 2020 lineup is already stacked with Shakedown, Normal Instruments and a prodigious grouping of artists already committed. Hannah’s Field will be performing a special pop up show. Sean Lanning will be the emcee and doing stand up comedy. Greg is making this a family affair with kid friendly activities and food trucks available. This is undeniably a must go to event.
Another function of Copper Hill Productions is the booking of the Broad Brook Opera House in Broad Brook, Ct.. Greg will be showcasing some great music from excellent top tier bands at this beautiful venue. His first show is April 25th with One Time Weekend and Joon. On June 13th, Shake Down will perform and August 22nd is already slated for a street fair with bands playing outside as well as indoors.
When I met Greg at his farm one of the questions I asked him was ” what do you want people to know about you”. The first word out of his mouth was again the “C” word: Community. His vision is to blend his love of sustainable farming with his love of music to make the world a better place.
I, for one, am glad the man wears all those sombreros. We should all adopt Greg Hazleton’s outlook on life. Food and music (and possibly beer) for all. The earth would be a better place.
Copper Hill Farm Music and Culture Festival
The Four Town Fair Grounds
Somers, Ct.
June 27th-28th
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