By Joe Perusse
Kiss – End of the Road World Tour, Madison Square Garden
On Saturday I headed to New York City to see the supposed last live Kiss show. No matter what happens in the future I know it was my last live Kiss show, fool me once … I’ve seen them multiple times just on this tour that I didn’t think would ever end.
There was no extras because it was the final show, same basic script as the rest of the shows except I do believe they used all the pyro and fireworks they had stashed up. There were also bracelets on the seats with lights that were synced to the show. That was pretty cool to watch throughout the evening. Leading the night off with “Detroit Rock City” the pyro , fireworks , smoke or all three never let up.
After “Shout It Out Loud”, Paul Stanley, (Vocals/Rhythm Guitar) got rid of his jacket, told the crowd it was a night for joy and then pointed to different sections to see who got the loudest. Going back to the first album “Deuce” followed and the Gene Simmons (Bass) took over vocals for “War Machine”. “Heaven’s on Fire” led into “I Love It Loud” with Simmons breathing fire at the end.
Stanley said he hoped the crowd wasn’t getting tired as the band was just getting started and the crowd helped sing “Say Yeah”. Before “Cold Gin” Stanley told a story about the first time playing at MSG in 1977 and seeing his parents and Gene’s mom out in the crowd. It was one of the few times I saw a little extra emotion in his voice. Tommy Thayer (Lead Guitar) had his solo next and it ended with fireworks shooting out of his guitar.
“Lick It Up” featured a Stanley and Thayer dual guitar jam in the middle. Stanley got the house lights turned up to see the crowd and then introduced the band’s favorite doctor. The crowd was chanting, Gene, Gene as “Calling Dr. Love” played. Saying here’s one we haven’t played in awhile “Makin’ Love” followed although they had just played it the previous night and most nights of the tour. Gotta change uptake script sometimes.
“Psycho Circus” was next and then Eric Singer (Drums) had his solo. His drum kit rose up in the air and big black cats with glowing green eyes appearing next to him. Simmons and Thayer played on risers up in the air during “100,000 Years”. Simmons bass solo was next including his spitting blood routine. Then Simmons went way up in the air center stage and added vocals to “God of Thunder”.
Stanley told a story about when he was a cab driver in NYC he was bringing a fare to MSG for an Elvis concert and told them someday people would come to see his band play there. Saying he only ever wanted to play at MSG, he thanked everyone for the amazing memories and then zip lined to the B stage for “Love Gun” and “I Was Made for Lovin’ You”.
Starting “Black Diamond” on the B stage Stanley headed back to the main stage for the end of the song and the end of the main set. Singer came out solo on the piano for “Beth” and the band threw drumsticks into the crowd afterwards. Taking their bows and posing for a picture with the crowd in the background followed. Giving the Kiss army props for making it all possible, balloons were released during “Do You Love Me”. “Rock and Roll All Nite” set off the confetti guns, streamers,
Thayer and Simmons high above the crowd on a crane playing and it seemed every last explosive the band had left being set off. When the smoke cleared, the band was gone, “God Gave Rock and Roll to You II” was playing over the PA system and Kiss avatars were up on the screens. A QR code came up at the end teasing the future of Kiss. An hour later when you could see the tease it was revealed Kiss would continue on in Avatar form. Now even after Simmons is laid in his Kiss Kasket for eternity the avatar will go on. I’m sure nothing makes him happier.
No former band members were present or mentioned during the show, disappointing many Kiss fans. I would have liked to see this too but was not expecting it. In my opinion it was the usual Kiss show. They are master entertainers and put on an outstanding live show. I’m glad I was there for the last live show, Maybe?
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