• ralph@myampmusic.co


Low Treble is a dynamic alt-rock ensemble based out of Thessaloniki, Greece. They recently released their powerfully funky debut single, “The Old New”. The band describes the song as “A wicked hangover gone bad“. They add “we wanted our debut single to be powerful both musically and lyrically. We wanted to make certain that it gives off the sense of manic excitement combined with reckless anger“.

Low Treble definitely achieve their goal. The song is full of interesting nuances while remaining vibrant and energized. They mash together several different genres in order to create an original and memorable composition. The band uses an indie base and slowly add bits of funk, rap and rock to their potion. All to disrupt the conventional norm. They describe it best: “The Old New doesn’t just embrace chaos; it celebrates it“. And a glorious celebration it is.

Low Treble were kind enough to sit down with AMP to discuss the band, the future and Greek cuisine.

AMP: Let’s start from the beginning. How was the band formed?

LT: It’s often quite hard to recall how it all began. You know, we are like those old couples in
the movies that start narrating their meet-cute and they end up correcting each other
constantly. That said, here is a rough timeline:

Laskos (bass) and Azas (guitar) had been playing together since highschool, honing their
skills and yearning for the day that they would form a band worthy of their idols. In their
quest to form that band, they held a lot of auditions and they settled on Spiros as their
drummer, and Adis as their frontman, after having the most electric jam of their young
lives! Not long after, we decided to name the band Low Treble (around 2015) and got
down to business; live performances, songwriting and general mayhem-making. However,
Spiros had to depart for greener pastures and Low Treble were once again incomplete.
Before we had even begun looking for a new drummer, Pol claimed the drum throne and to
be perfectly honest we were too scared to question him because from our first ever
session with him we felt like something had finally clicked and all the stars had aligned for
us to go kick some ass, it would have been unwise to question fate.

And that is the story of How We Made Low Treble.

AMP: How would you describe your sound?

LT: Our sound is a collection of every member’s musical influences. In our absolute
impatience for creation we never stopped to think “Hmmm, maybe we should settle on a
genre first”. For better or worse that devil-may-care attitude worked wonders for us and the
amalgam of sound that came out of it, intrigued us to the point where we vowed never to
shy away from implementing every assortment of sound we fancy into our song making. If
we had to sum it up in a few words, we’d say that we use alternative rock as our guiding
compass and add funk, hard rock, and pop elements into the mix. Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Queens of the Stone Age, Franz Ferdnand, Alice in Chains and Arctic Monkeys are among
our most distinctive influences but are definitely not the only ones and we believe that our
work showcases that.

AMP: Your new single is killer. What can we expect next?

LT: Our debut single is the herald of our two-EP audiovisual anthology project. Every song is a
story that belongs within the greater narrative of the interaction between two main
characters. These characters, much like us, are burdened by their eccentricities and can’t
help but find themselves in heaps of trouble once they get in each other’s way. Apart from
the music and the lyrics, the project also includes extended artwork and small narrations
for each song, 2 music videos and 1 animated video; all to provide further insight into the
story and flesh out the characters for those who want to delve a little bit deeper. Our next
song is going to be released a month from now and our first EP by the end of July! We are
extremely excited for what lies ahead and we can’t wait to hear what you guys think!

AMP: What’s the music scene in Greece like?

LT: The music scene in Greece is bizarre. More Greek bands are getting worldwide recognition
and the number of bands in the scene has increased over the past few years. There is an
immense amount of new and exciting stuff being recorded every single day!

However, we can’t help but feel that this musical flourish is seeing its life choked out of it,
due to the lack of venues and general support towards new artists. COVID hit hard, there
is no doubt about it. It caught us all off guard and the situation was by no means easy to
handle, but the lack of government attention, funding or support towards the art world
brought the already struggling young artists in Greece to their knees.

That said, frustration breeds even more art and what is very promising is the fact that the
Greek audience is expressing its need for alternative music and live performances; and its
desire for the discovery of new bands and new artists. This will prove to be the main
driving force behind all of us!

AMP: If you had a choice what band(s) would you like to tour with?

LT: We all have definitely dreamt of touring with our individual heroes and having touring
stories to tell, like grabbing a cold one with Bruce Dickinson, arguing about superbands
with Josh Homme, wandering around aimlessly in strange towns with Alex Turner or even
having Dave Grohl do the Heimlich on your lead singer while he’s choking on a burger!
The list can go on. But in an effort to avoid a brawl amongst ourselves trying to decide on

a specific band, we will just admit that there are only two important factors to consider: If
you dig their music and if you think you could have fun touring around with them. If those
two criteria are met, the experience of touring can be very bonding and make for epic
lasting memories. The names don’t really matter and the venues are of secondary
importance. In all honesty we just can’t wait to tour with a band that we feel is awesome
however obscure of a name they might be.

AMP: Best Greek meal?

LT: In the sea of debate and contention that is this subject, one is only heard when dealing in
absolutes. With that in mind, the best Greek meal is “Gemistá”, hands down! It is just as
exceptional served cold as it is scolding hot. It allows for experimentation with the stuffing
as well as the vegetables being stuffed and it can contain minced meat or rice so no one
feels left out or limited. It can be combined with feta cheese, the flagship of Greek
delicacies, in the most divine way, and requires a traditional approach in certain
preparation and cooking techniques that are not exceptionally hard to master, meaning
you get a feeling of accomplishment making it without having gone through an ordeal. Top

To learn more about Low Treble,

Follow on Facebook / Instagram / YouTube

Stream music: Spotify / Bandcamp

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