Manntra is a mystical Balkan metal-folk ensemble whose ruthless music is melodically intense with lush overtones. The band released their second English language album, Monster Mind Consuming last month and it’s a major tour de force. Every song has its own brazen identity and distinct flavor. The tunes range from hard driving metal to edgy folk rock with dark and atmospheric soundscapes. Their music is fiery and creative. If you are into Heilung or Rammstein, you will definitely enjoy Manntra.
The players in Manntra are Marko M Sekul (Lead Vocals), Maja Kolaric (Bass/Backing Vocals), Andrea Kert (Drums), Boris Kolaric (Guitar/Bagpipe/Backing Vocals) and Marko Purisic (Guitar/Backing Vocals). Their musicianship is fierce and battle ready. They attack their songs with ferocious determination. The listener is drawn into a savage journey of harmonic boldness.
Manntra was formed in 2011. Their first full length was Horizont (2012) which spawned the songs “Kiša” and “Horizont”. Since then they have dropped several more albums and a multitude of singles.
Speaking of Monster Mind Consuming, vocalist and producer Marko M. Sekul states: “This is essentially a war album. A battle cry for life. It covers topics like fear, war, being strong and going through a difficult time or heartbreak, being a slave to your fears and being set free at the end. It’s a war against your own insecurities; a war against yourself – and we want you to win this fight! It’s about every single fan and listener of the album. It’s an album by people for people“.
Monster Mind Consuming opens with the brief “Invocation”. It then dives directly into the propulsive “Heathens”. The song is frenzied with its pounding rhythm while boasting heavenly euphoric cadences. Sekul’s vocals are heavy and demonic. Kert’s percussions are smashing and Kolaric’s bass spectacular. The ferocious song is a perfect launch for the record.
Up next is the metallic folk of “Ori Ori”. The harmonies are glorious while the imposing guitars are keyed up and emotive. The song carries a bold Balkan ethnic nuance with a profoundly muscular texture. The ethereal “Slave” comes next. It’s a sea chanty gone off the deep end. The vocal inflections fit the song to a tee. The sublime arrangement is stellar.
The symphonic “Voices of the Sea” highlights a different aspect of Manntra. It has an 80s anthemic aura. It a big song with elevated vocals and singular harmonization. “Voices of the Sea” is beautifully executed. The folk spirit returns with the “Barren King”. it’s another song with a sea fairing tone and again we have the perception of impending combat.
“Monster Mind Consuming” brings back Manntra‘s hardened rock .The tune slams you with a techno fierceness and monstrous hooks. The tempo is sweeping with dramatic riffs and glistening synths. It really has a vivid Rammstein ambiance. The imagery tackles someone dealing with mental instability. One in conflict with himself. “I Want To Eat You” slows down the pace a bit. The slashing guitars are a nice touch.
“In Your Eyes” ramps up the fervor. Sekul’s vocals are tenacious. The beat is fearless and totally gutsy. Here Manntra showcases their adventurous musicianship. “Let’s Invite the Storm” reveals the wonderful voice of Maja. The song is heartfelt and sonically rich yet still compelling. The refined quality of the instrumentation is elegantly intricate.
Manntra close out Monster Mind Consuming with “Lipa” sung in their native tongue. The brassy song still comes across easily even though it’s in another language. The music is punchy and memorable.
Speaking about the album, Manntra espoused: “We gave this album our all. We created different songs, tried new things with production and wrote the most intense and darkest songs ever. This is the real face of Manntra – a dark journey through folk, industrial and gothic“.
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