By Ralph Beauchamp
Numba9ne is a founding member, bassist and primary songwriter of the Boston powerhouse, Octavate. He just released his newest solo project entitled I Am Energy. Numba9ne is the alter ego of talented multi-instrumentalist Joshua Prost. AMP was introduced to Octavate last year via WaveRadio Boston’s DJ, Rick Fleck, and even though the band’s current line-up has only been in existence for a short time, they have created major waves in the Boston rock scene.
I Am Energy is the second Numba9ne studio album, recorded at Amoeba Studios in Littleton, MA and produced by Trevor Boggs. The full length exposes another singular mix of songs and showcases the creative force emulated by Numba9ne, I Am Energy flows with alternative time signatures, non-standard tunings, song arrangements that don’t follow any rules, and the thoughtful lyrics that he feels the need to deliver. You’ll hear metallic alternative, post punk, rock ballads, EDM, and poppy sensations, all with that Numba9ne sound and vibe.
Numba9ne was kind enough to sit with AMP for this in-depth interview.
AMP: What first got you into music?
NUMBA9NE: When I was young, I would be playing with my Legos around the house and my parents would be blasting Led Zeppelin, Sabbath and Pink Floyd. They were avid music lovers and because of that, music seeped into my soul. They also played a lot of Beatles. That kind of started the ball rolling. In addition, my uncle was in a band. He actually opened for Aerosmith around 1969. My uncle was a huge influence on me. He used to play a double neck guitar with one hand while playing the piano with the other. Plus he sang. It just blew my mind. The love of music has always been in my family.
AMP: What determines whether a new song is slated for Octavate or put aside for one of your solo projects?
NUMBA9NE: That’s a good question. It all depends where the band is at and if they have the time to learn new material. If it’s really complicated, they probably don’t have the time. For example, “Midnight Riding” which is the first track on I Am Energy is not easy to play. Most of my songs are not in a normal time signature. It all depends on how long it would take for them to absorb it.
So, the least complicated tracks are easier for them to master. Usually, I put everything on the table and let the band determine if they could do a good job with it. I try to funnel it towards the band because that is my portal to be able to play the songs live. I do whatever I have to do to accomplish that. My goal is to play as many of my songs in a live setting as possible.
AMP: I Am Energy embraces many musical genres. How would you describe your sound?
NUMBA9NE: I’m a Gen X. Gen X grew up with their parents listening to Chuck Berry, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. In the meantime, metal was born and I was there. When Metallica released their first album and Sabbath was getting huge, I was there. I was there when rap came out of the womb. So, my generation was exposed to all these dynamic genres of music. I was about thirteen when hair metal reared its head. In college, it was grunge.
All these different styles of music grew up around me and were constantly in my face. There is no other generation that has experienced this fantastic journey. So, all this is in my spirit. There is no freaking way I can call my music metal or alternative or rock. I can’t attach myself to any particular genre because of the astonishing variety of music I lived through.
AMP: I Am Energy is a musical tour de force. Can you give us some insights into the release?
NUMBA9NE: It was the songs that Octavate couldn’t take on due to time constraints. Also, tunes like “Thanos Was Right” didn’t fit in the Octavate mold. Another example is “Enlighten Me”. I used to have a show on WaveRadio Boston. By the way, I love all those guys including your cousin Rick. So, I was on air with Pete and John Anthony and they asked me how I created songs. I told them, a lot of time I get in a zone with one particular band. Recently it has been Deftones. That’s where “Rescue” came from.
Well, they wondered that if they picked out a band, could I come up with a track in that band’s motif. They challenged me to write a song similar to Royal Blood’s vibe. I listened to them for a couple of weeks. I analyzed their songwriting and I wrote “Enlighten Me” in two days. It’s in a 5/4 signature but it still grooves. The songs on I AM Energy come from everywhere. They come from crazy ideas and dreams. I’ll wake up at 3am with a unique bassline and rush downstairs to the studio to flush it out.
AMP: This is a great segue, what’s your creative process like?
NUMBA9NE: It starts with an idea and that idea can come from many places and sounds. I used to get my inspirations and then wait till later to start working on them in the studio but I would sometimes forget what they were by the time I started recording thus the 3am quote in the last answer. Once I get my initial idea down, I start layering other factors into the tune such as a riff or a chorus. I then lay down the other instruments which eventually becomes my working demo.
Then I share that with either the band or my producer to flesh it out to its full body. If it’s slated for one of my solo projects, my producer basically just remixes it for me for my approval. If it remains in Octavate, the band works on their parts. On the first Octavate EP, SV sang over my production. On the second Octavate EP, I’m The Machine with the new band members, SV once again sang all the lyrics while there were 3 songs where the band overdubbed their parts.
AMP: What kind of themes do you embed in your songs?
NUMBA9NE: I’m a lyrics snob. I usually don’t write songs about relationships. I tend to write about things I observe happening in real time. My music isn’t only about the art but it’s the vehicle I use to express my feelings and emotions. You hear me sing about climate change and how humans are the real viruses. That’s where my song, “The Virus” comes from. “Thanos Was Rights” is about us destroying our world. I write about how we are infecting our ecosystems and oceans. These are things I truly believe. I do this in order to express my beliefs.
AMP: Is there a track on the new album that you feel will turn heads?
NUMBA9NE: I hope all of them! “Enlighten Me” would be my choice because it has a “poppy” feel. “Attitude” is an instrumental with EDM qualities. It came from my like of My Chemical Romance and their techno leanings. I shared the album with several friends and other musicians and everyone had a different favorite. Not every song is for everyone but they all loved the musical mix.
AMP: Is there one artist you would love to collaborate with and why?
NUMBA9NE: Dave Grohl because he understands music and songwriting so well. I’m a huge Nirvana and Foo Fighters fan. He’s a drummer, guitarist and singer. I really feel we would mesh. I probably would be constantly asking him questions. He’s also such a dynamic and diversified musician. When you listen to the Foo Fighters you hear metal, rock and even bluegrass. I would also love to pick Bowie and Hendrix’s brains just to soak up their creativity.
AMP: Dynamics plays a major portion of any artist’s make-up. Do you feel that the dynamics are different between Octavate and your solo work?
NUMBA9NE: No different! My art and music comes from inside me and it doesn’t matter who is playing my songs. It’s the vision that I forge to fruition that’s important. That’s one of the reasons I Am Energy is a solo project. The band couldn’t commit to another release and I was cool with that. I needed my vision to be my vision or else it wouldn’t be perfect in my eyes. As a musician in a band, you need to be able to compromise and I’m fine with that as long as the band is writing the material together. But when it’s my vision, I don’t want anybody trying to change it.
Rick Rubin once wrote that an artist has to create what and how the artist feels and no one should deter or change that determination. Trent Reznor said the same thing. It kind of validated how I felt. I was feeling a little insecure. Should I have let go of the reins so everyone else had a say but I decided that isn’t where I wanted to go. My visions have to be created the way I want. So, it doesn’t matter if it’s Octavate or Numba9ne, the dynamics remain the same. It has to be what my soul wants to say.
AMP: What’s the proudest moment in your career to date?
NUMBA9NE: When Octavate was nominated in the Best Metal/Hard Rock category at the 2023 New England Music Awards. That was really cool. We didn’t win but the whole process was exciting especially only being together for 11 months. Also, when you see the other artists nominated like Sepsiss (who won), you are honored to be in such illustrious company. I am very proud of our accomplishment.
AMP: Any plans on touring off of I Am Energy?
NUMBA9NE: Nope. Not for this project. This was strictly a creative endeavor basically to get these songs out. These tracks begged me to let them lose. If and when the Octavate project stands back up and they want to play some of these songs, I would love it.
AMP: Any last words for your fans?
NUMBA9NE: Keep listening to indie music. I’ve learned about so many new and exciting artists from your site and others. That’s where it’s at. People like you and Rick who totally enjoy exposing new sounds to the masses. I want to let people know that the indie scene in every genre of music is thriving. You just got to look around to find fresh artists with amazing vibes and visions. Listen to new bands. Don’t always look backwards but to the future. We create because we love it and that is why the whole scene is so vibrant.
To learn more about Numba9ne, check out their website
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Great Josh
The article an video were very enjoyable.
Aunt Barbara