• ralph@myampmusic.co


Photo Justin Borucki

Quinn Sullivan is a rare talent who’s much more mature than his age. Just 22, Sullivan has shared the stage with the likes of Carlos Santana and Buddy Guy. Touring since he was 11-years old, he has played major venues including Madison Square Garden and the Hollywood Bowl. With the release of his new album, Wide Awake, Sullivan is destined to become a rising star.

Wide Awake is an amazing endeavor that jumps genres and creates cool vibes. A little blues. a little pop and a ton of great creativity. Sullivan‘s vocals on every song are sharp and full of emotion. His guitar playing superb with a vibrant ambiance. The guitar solos ring true and the band is impeccable. The groove emits a smooth heat. Recorded in Los Angeles with producer/collaborator Oliver Leiber, Wide Awake adds potent new arrows to a quiver already brimming with sure-shots.

Quinn explains: “I want people to understand who I am as an artist. I think my audience will appreciate the fact that the guitar is still a huge part of who I am, and I can truthfully say all the songs are coming from a very honest place“. As he moves in this new chapter of his career, Sullivan‘s constant credo has been growth and learning. He continues to expound: “I want to stay true to where I come from, and go from there. The artists that inspire me do do that are always hunger for the new. They grow and become more unique – and that’s what I aim to do as an artist“.

The album has 12 dynamic and powerful tunes. Quinn‘s recent single, “In A World Without You” is a brilliant song that captures every facet of his impressive songwriting skills. His voice is both rich and gravelly with beautiful inflections. The guitar sings with a funky lilt and the arrangement is sublime. The cadence is addictive. Just plainly a great tune. Another favorite is the soulful “All  Around The World” with its memorable chorus and rousing guitar licks. Wide Awake exhibits enormous depth and a brazen quest for perfection.

Quinn Sullivan was kind enough to answer a few questions for AMP.

AMP: What got you into music and what keeps you there?

QUINN: My parents got me into the music I love the most. They’d play me albums as a kid, from The Beatles to The Stones., to the Allman Brothers Band, to the Grateful Dead. I had all the best albums at my disposal, so I went nuts as a kid and just listened obsessively. There’s always something new to discover, whether it’s a new song or a new artist or band, so that discovery is what keeps me interested and keeps me curious.

AMP: If you didn’t become a musician what would you be doing right now?

QUINN: I would probably be teaching music in some way. I truly can’t imagine life without music in my life, so teaching would be interesting.

AMP: What was it like touring at such a young age?

QUINN: It was an experience of a lifetime. I had so much fun as a kid traveling around the globe playing music. It’s an education that could never be taught in any college. It’s taught me how to tour and has taught me the importance of longevity.

AMP: Who influenced your sound the most?

QUINN: A variety of artists. It started with the Beatles, which influenced me the most. From there, I started listening to Santana and Eric Clapton, who I’m heavily influenced by. I’m just a huge fan of music. I love blues, pop, r&b, rock & roll, soul and even some hip hop. I’m just a fan of sounds and expressing emotions through music and art.

AMP: How do you feel your new album furthers your musical growth?

QUINN: I feel as though this new album truly showcases me the best as an artist. It has all the elements of what I love about music, and it’s one of those albums that doesn’t have a definitive genre. I feel music is in such a beautiful spot right now. Artists are throwing different genres together and just making music to make music, not to fit into a category. I find categories to be so limited and honestly makes me not feel creative at all. Having the option to explore other musical territories has made me develop and grow so extensively and has such a positive impact on me as an artist.

AMP: What’s the future like for Quinn Sullivan?

QUINN: I see myself touring this new album extensively. There’s shows to be had and lots of touring to do, so I’m ready and looking forward to getting back out there again soon.

AMP: Best “on the road” meal?

QUINN: I try my best to have healthy eating habits, especially on tour. You need to have as much energy as possible so you have to take care of your body to maintain stamina. I love grilled chicken, good veggies, potatoes, or a good piece of fish like salmon or baked scrod. Of course I have a huge sweet tooth but try to keep it to the basics on the road. Bananas and oatmeal and green smoothies are also essential too.

AMP: You’re a good looking lad with potential and I have two beautiful daughters in college. Any interest?

QUINN: Well, first of all you are a bold farther, HAHA!!  Lets all meet up when I come to your town and we’ll see what happens!

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To learn more about Quinn Sullivan, check out his Website

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