Just over a week ago (August 29th), the Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun hosted the blues phenom Quinn Sullivan. AMP interviewed Quinn earlier this year in June and found him to be amicable and good natured. Sullivan just released his third full length entitled Wide Awake to outstanding reviews. The album has spawned a throve of incredible hits including “In A World Without You” and “All Around The World”.
Quinn plays a vibrant hybrid of blues, rock and pop. Just 22 years old and he’s already toured extensively and played with such luminaries as Carlos Santana and Buddy Guy. Wide Awake is chock full of intrepid compositions with blazing blues riffs and emboldened vocals. Sullivan can play a profound guitar and sing with a variety of robust textures. Forever bluesy but he also has an impassioned pop and rock voice. A man of many talents.
With bandmates, Adam Hanson (Drums), Chris Bloniarz (Keys) and Kyle Spark (Bass), Quinn lit up the Wolf Den with a supersized performance. Opening with the funky pop vibes of “Strawberry Rain”, his set featured mostly songs from Wide Awake. Quinn followed with the brassy “All Around The World”. The audience was already starting to feel the groove. Everyone was sensing Sullivan‘s stellar ambiance. His vocals were sharp and his guitar solos were tight and emotive.
Sullivan then played the Stones’ cover “Loving Cup” and dedicated it to the recently deceased Charlie Watts. The crowd definitely appreciated his sentiment. Up next was the muscular “Real Thing” which easily showcased Quinn’s pop sensibilities and the R&B flavored “Baby Please”. By the time he hit the glowing ballad “How Many Tears” the fans were totally into the music. “She’s Gone” followed with the same smooth passion and silky guitar picking.
Quinn brought back the heat with “You’re The One” with its impressive cadence which he segued into Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Someone”. The Wolf Den caught the fever and the audience danced away in the pit and in their seats. Sullivan then fired an avalanche of superb tunes. He closed out extremely forceful. “Wide Awake” with its vigorous rock beat reminiscent of Petty was imposing. Furthermore, Quinn’s intense vocals packed a punch. Ending with the monster hit, “In A World Without You”, Sullivan had the Wolf Den bouncing and enjoying every note.
In addition, Sullivan‘s band was remarkable. Spark on bass kept it real with an audacious bass line. Hanson’s percussions always flowed perfectly with the tempo and momentum of the tunes. Bloniarz’s keys were a pure delight. His fills were exuberant and punchy with shimmering tones of aural magic. The entire evening was a huge success. The music had soul and fire and Sullivan played and sang beautifully. Meeting him after the show was an absolute plus. Can’t wait for his return to the Ct. stage.
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To learn more about Quinn Sullivan, check out his Website
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