• ralph@myampmusic.co


Well Connecticut, it’s time to welcome the new kids on the block. Similar Kind is a punchy indie pop band based out of Norwalk who have just released their first single of 2022. “I Don’t Wanna Fight Anymore” is a spunky track that features sparkling synths, an exuberant bass line, radiant guitars and a vocal that’s full of inspiring textures. The song’s orgasmic flow is totally addictive. You will be singing this effervescent tune for a long while..

Similar Kind is made up of Julia Breen (Vocals), Ben McNamara (Guitar), Evan Murphy (Synths/Keyboards), Nate Porter (Bass) and Miles Dominci (Drums). The band has been dropping snappy singles since 2019. In 2020 they released the romantic “Maria”, the rapacious “Too Happy” and the melodic “Nobody Loves You” which garnished over a million spotify hits. 2021 brought on the groove laden “Parked Car Conversations” and the funky “M.I.A.”. Similar Kind is killing it with audacious rhythms and tantalizing melodies.

Similar Kind was gracious enough to give AMP this entertaining interview.

AMP: How did the band form?

SK: Similar Kind formed after a failed high school band with Evan, Miles & Ben. Similar Kind started as a side project between Evan & Ben which eventually turned into asking Julia to join. After a few failed attempts to land a permanent bass player we finally met Nate & the rest is in the history books.

AMP: Your music is upbeat with magical accents. How does the songwriting process work?

SK: The songwriting usually happens a few different ways. Sometimes Ben will come in with a chord progression and we all jam on it, figuring out parts, then voice memoing the band playing. From there Julia and Evan will start to throw out ideas for lyrics and melody. Then we bring the demo to our producer Kenny Cash at Factory Underground Studio, who will then give us really helpful critiques in the studio which changes the shape of the song. The process is ongoing.

AMP: How did the band survive the lockdown and how did you stay in touch with your fanbase?

SK: Honestly, the lockdown went better for us than we would have anticipated. Although not playing shows definitely sucked, it forced us to focus more on recording music and social media. Instagram allowed us to keep in touch with our preexisting fans, and TikTok helped us reach people who had never heard our music before. It gave us a chance to spend our time on things outside of playing live, and realize the importance of these things.

AMP: Your newest single “I Don’t Want To Fight Anymore” has a real poppy sound. Is that the direction Similar Kind is moving towards?

SK: We’re not specifically trying to shoot for “groovy pop,” but it’s definitely a sound we often gravitate towards. Some of the new songs we have written and are planning to release fit this vibe, but a bunch of them also don’t. We definitely like to mix it up and just write what comes naturally though.

AMP: AMP is based out of Ct. Do you see an uptick in the local scene?

SK: We absolutely have an uptick in the CT music scene. I think this is due to not only Artists & Musicians but to listeners and supporters that come to shows, share posts on social media and contribute to helping their favorite local acts.

AMP: Your spring tour is fairly extensive. Are you guys excited?

SK: We are insanely excited to play live, especially on this tour. We’ve played with Hot Flash Heat Wave before and are stoked to play with them again. Even though we played a bunch of shows before lockdown, we’ve never played a tour this extensive before. This is definitely something we’re all looking forward to.

AMP: Best gig the band has played to date?

SK: The best gig we have played so far was when we opened up for Hot Flash Heat Wave and No Vacation at the House of Independents this past November. The stage was huge, the sound was amazing, and the audience was super supportive and very into our set. During No Vacation’s set, all of the bands went onstage to dance and even stage dive. It was a very loving environment.

AMP: What does the future look like for Similar Kind?

SK: The future looks great for Similar Kind. We are currently working on an EP, and plan on recording an album in the future with our Record Label. We hope to continue touring & meeting new people!

Tour Dates w Hot Flash Heat Wave
March 28th St Paul MI – The Treasury
March 29th Milwaukee, WI – X-Ray Arcade
March 30th Chicago, IL – The Subterranean
April 1st Ferndale, MI – Loving Touch
April 2nd Toronto, ON – The Monarch
April 3rd Montreal, QC – Bar Le Ritz
April 5th Boston, MA – Middle East Upstairs
April 7th Brooklyn, NY – Brooklyn Made
April 8th Washington DC – The Songbyrd
April 9th Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie

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To learn more about Similar Kind:  Check out the Website!

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Stream music:  Spotify Apple Music Soundcloud

Purchase:  Amazon 


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