• ralph@myampmusic.co


The New Haven chapter of SOFAR is extremely active. The core group of members have promoted quite a few excellent shows in their short existence. The caliber of talent at each event consists of top-notch local acts that constantly amazes the audience. The following is an interview with Paul Bryant Hudson, lead ambassador and founder of SOFAR New Haven.

AMP: Can you explain what is the SOFAR mission statement?

Hudson: SOFAR’s global mission tries to redefine the standards for consuming music. The overall goal is to provide a space where the artist can perform distraction free. Forefront of the musical experience is to keep all attention on the performer. SOFAR New Haven encourages the artist and audience to totally interact.

AMP: How was SOFAR New Haven established and who are its members?

HUDSON: After attending a SOFAR event in London I felt the beauty of the entire concept. I also sensed a void in the New Haven musical environment so I petitioned global for a charter. We run a small chapter in comparison to larger venues like New York City.  We promote one show a month where other cities may have a show everyday. In addition to myself there is Raven Blake, who manages our social media and marketing, Arial Smith, who directly produces our social content, Stephen “Gritz” King, who works in artist relations and booking logistics, Pete Greco, Chad Browne-Springer, Eddie Luther, and Antoinette Tomlinson. The last three are photographers who chronicle our events.

AMP: How are SOFAR hosting sites selected?

HUDSON: It’s a combination of multiple factors. We have an application on our website where individuals or organizations can apply. Since I’m a New Haven native and community organizer I try to find suitable spaces for shows. Also we are trying to first exhaust New Haven’s resources before opening up to the surrounding towns. Even though in the upcoming months that may be a possibility. Not everyone has the accessibility to drive so we try to utilize as much public transportation as possible.

AMP: How are acts selected for shows and what kind of feedback have you received from participated artists?

HUDSON: Again there is a function on SOFAR’s website that allows you to register your act for any of SOFAR’s chapters globally. Since the New Haven chapter is so intertwined with the city and musicians we have an awareness of promising new talent.  As far as feedback goes we have gotten good reviews from the artists. The artists are extremely receptive to the audience and vice versa. Only once have we received a critical comment but on a whole it’s been favorable for all.

AMP: What is the ideal reaction you like to see from a SOFAR audience?

HUDSON: Personally I’m looking for a three prong effect; dancing, crying and laughing. I think these three encompass the total musical and emotional experience. We want to give both our audience and talent the full range of visceral stimulation.

AMP: Do you have any interactions with other SOFAR chapters?

HUDSON: We are pretty unified in that way. Once a year we meet in L. A. to discuss ways we as an organization can be more innovative in our approach. Throughout the year we have group texts with 40 chapters around the country to discuss whats going on. We share artists and acts and in cases of emergencies we reach out to each other.

AMP: What differentiates SOFAR New Haven from other chapters?

HUDSON: The most obvious is that we are all people of color which at first was a point of contention for me being a SOFAR ambassador. I’m kinda at peace with it now as we do such cool stuff. SOFAR has a really strict model that they recommend each chapter abide by as to how to conduct shows and book talent but giving our focus on diversity, inclusion and community we tweak things a little to be more representative of our community.

AMP:  Do you think SOFAR has community and cultural responsibilities?

HUDSON: In theory SOFAR global is an impetus of celebration and culture. The fact that SOFAR is in 77 countries and has 400 separate individual chapters around the world is itself a definition of diversity. I don’t believe there is a more culturally diverse entity in the music world. That is what makes this magical.


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