• ralph@myampmusic.co



The Name Droppers just let go a moving tribute to the Ukrainian people entitled “Ukraine We Stand”. The single was released by NeuroTronix Records in conjunction with HMG and produced by the esteemed Vic Steffens. !00% percent of all proceeds will go to assist the people of Ukraine during these dire times. We recently focused on The Name Droppers in our Local Scene section when they supported the effervescent Carole Sylvan at Cafe 9 in February.

The band is composed of four musicians who are mainstays in the international and local music scene. Guitarist extraordinaire Rafe Klein played with the legendary Charlie Karp. Drummer Bobby “T” Torello is a legend. His extensive career includes playing with Johnny Winters. Scott Spray on bass is a tremendous talent who is another Johnny Winter alumni. Ron Rifkin on keyboards is an extremely gifted musician He also jammed with Karp. The Name Droppers‘ sound is amazing. They can easily play r&b, soul, funk and rock with dynamic dexterity. In addition, they are all much sought after session players.

“Ukraine We Stand” is a tender track that focuses on the the world’s empathy for the country’s current plight. The bluesy tune carries a ton of compassion and sympathy. Klein’s vocals and guitar work are soulful and full of warmth. Guest musician, Jay Willie’s slide guitar play provides an additional layer of sincerity. The musicianship throughout the song is exceptional. The Name Droppers deliver a consummate powerhouse performance.

The track starts out with Klein singing:

When the rain falls

I feel your sunshine

When the sun shines down

I feel your pain

When the tanks roll in from Kremlin

The whole world stands for Ukraine

The accompanying video is just as forceful. The video intermixes shots of the band with actual footage of the Ukrainian war. The piece really accentuates the dilemma that country is presently facing. The Name Droppers use shots of bombs falling and distressed woman and children. The band’s urgent message is clearly delineated with compelling imagery.

Kudos to the music industry and especially The Name Droppers for trying to make a difference in this crazed society we live in.

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To learn more about The Name DroppersCheck out the Website!

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